Game Tip: First Aid Profession In World of Warcraft Classic

Profession In WoW First Aid  With the re-release of World of Warcraft (WoW): Classic, a lot of players might be experiencing a bit of shock when it comes to fighting mobs, and the profession called First Aid is here to help. The days of wearing full heirloom armor and pulling multiple mobs in succession are gone. In the game of World of Warcraft: Classic, players need to plan their combat with care if they want to survive.

In short, First Aid provides healing that is mana free and also usable by all classes, even in the middle of combat. Usually, it is considered a secondary profession and does not count towards the others which are crafting or gathering based. As such, every player can and should consider the advantages of First Aid. Even healers themselves can benefit from the use of a bandage in a raid or a dungeon where mana might be sparse but staying alive is a priority.

In this game, crafting bandages requires cloth, which comes from humanoid opponents. For those players who do not take the Tailoring profession in Classic game, this is a great use of all the cloth that drops while questing. For those players who really do take the Tailoring profession, that would be a little frustrating because you will need more cloth to do both. And that is really a bit of trouble.

And now here’s the official guide for First Aid profession in WoW Classic game. Check and follow these steps:

Stage One: Where To Train First Aidn In World Of Warcraft Classic:

Trainers for this First Aid profession are numerous, but most of them are located in Capital Cities. Now here are the locations for basic trainers. Check this out!

You Can Find The Alliance First Aid Trainers In The Following Locations (Trainers Listed In Alphabetical Order):

Name: Byancie
Location: In Teldrassil
Name: Dannelor
Location: In Darnassus
Name: Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen
Location: In Dustwallow Marsh
Name: Fremal Doohickey
Location: In the Wetlands
Name: Michelle Belle
Location: In Elwynn Forest
Name: Nissa Firestone
Location: In Ironforge
Name: Thamner Pol
Location: In Dun Morogh

  You Can Find The Horde First Aid Trainers In The Following Locations (Trainers Listed In Alphabetical Order):

Name: Arnok
  Location: In Orgrimmar
Name: Doctor Gregory Victor
Location: In Arathi Highlands
Name: Mary Edras
Location: In Undercity
Name: Nurse Neela
Location: In Tirisfal Glades
Name: Pand Stonebinder
Location: In Thunder Bluff
Name: Rawrk
Location: In Durotar
Name: Vira Younghoof
Location: In Mulgore

Stage Two: The Most Efficient Ways To Level First Aid In World Of Warcraft Classic:

So far, there is no fast way to level First Aid as you quest, the reason is quite simple cause one needs a giant amount of cloth. Just like Tailoring, it might be easier in the long run to quest normally and return at a much higher level to farm large amounts of cloth quickly. An efficient way to farm is to out level an area by about ten levels or so and then with a character that can AoE farm, and finally begin kiting the dense areas of opponents. That is the most efficient method to farm the cloth as much as you want.

For instance, some certain dungeons contain extremely dense groups of humanoids creatures that will drop a quite considerable amounts of cloth. Once at a high enough level, players can simply return to these much lower level dungeons or farming spots in the world and then tag numerous opponents before using an AoE (Area of Effect) ability to take them all down at once. Rogues will use Fan of Knives, while mages can use spells like Blizzard and Cone of Cold. By doing this way, you can farm cloth to level faster more efficiently, and this is also why it is much simpler to level your character and not try to keep the profession scaled at the same pace.

  And now here are some of the best locations to farm cloth to level First Aid in World of Warcraft game:

For Level Ranges: 1~15
You Can Find Linen Cloth In: Ragefire Chasm (K), Stonecairn Lake at Elwynn Forest (EK), The Oracle Glade at Teldrassil(K), Trogg Mine east of Ironforge(EK)
For Level Ranges: 15~30
You Can Find Wool Cloth In: Ashenvale(K), Redridge Mountains (EK), and Stonetalon Mountains(K)
For Level Ranges: 35~40
You Can Find Silk Cloth In: Razorfen Kraul (K), Scarlet Monastery (EK).
Extra Information: Scarlet Monastery (EK) in fact, is an outstanding place to go once you are at a much higher level cause the dungeon is filled with humanoids that will follow you all the way through, therefore, they can be tagged in masse and AoE farmed very easily. And this is the same true to Razorfen Kraul (K).
For Level Ranges: 45~50
You Can Find Mageweave Cloth In: Tanaris (K), and Zul’Farrak (K),
For Level Ranges: 50~60
You Can Find Runecloth In: Blackrock Depths (EK), Dire Maul (K), Eastern Plaguelands (EK), Felwood (K), Lower Blackrock Spire (EK), Scholomance (EK), Stratholme (EK), and Western Plaguelands (EK).
Extra Information: Runecloth eventually becomes some of the cheapest on the Auction House as more and more characters reach the level cap and have no use for it. And that is said, farming it is problematic cause players can not AoE farm other level 60 opponents as easily in places like what we have listed above.

  Stage Three: Best Use Of First Aid In World Of Warcraft Classic:

One of the most attractive points of First Aid is you can use it in the heat of battle. A just right in-time band-aid can mean the difference between life and death and also can ease the strain on a healer who might be trying to keep the tank alive. For instance, as a Rogue, players can slip out of combat, and apply the band-aid, and then jump back in with more health and a ready pool of energy to deal some damage from the enemies.

Please keep in mind that as each band-aid uses cloth, these are not to be used after each pull of a mob, for that is what we have food for that we can cook ourselves or just purchase relatively cheaply from Innkeepers.

  Stage Four: Can I Power Level My First Aid In World Of Warcraft Classic:

Until you are already a much higher level to farm for yourself quickly, you will not be able to power level in the same way we do today. That is because no one will have the WoW Classic gold resources at first to purchase all the required material cloth, and what’s worse, you are now competing with Tailors. Moreover, those materials are also likely to be scarce on the Auction House, demanding a premium for their purchase.

Finally, the prices will stablize, but it will still be an expensive proposition to try and purchase all the necessary cloth to level First Aid in this game. If you are not leveling Tailoring as a profession (even that can not probably happen), also remember hold on to the cloth you find and in order to use it later on.

Stage Five: The Conlusion Of First Aid In World Of Warcraft Classic:

We can assure you that First Aid is not by any means the most charming of professions, but it is certainly useful in late-game content. Some raiding guilds would often demand a 300 skill level First Aid simply to help ease the strain on healers as they try to advance certain content. And there is nothing wrong with being self sustaining, so you’d better go out and then make some bandages just for yourself.




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